Print & Destroy

The DELAFOI-method of ‘Print & Destroy’ aims to reclaim the experience of a printed image by emphasizing all of its parts. Everything from the edition and the scent of the ink to the structure of the paper.

Today, everything is on record. All bits and pieces of our lives are either photographed, filmed, recorded, or logged somewhere or somehow. Always available and always within reach through our small flickering screens. ‘Print & Destroy’ is my way out, allowing me to leave the noise behind and inviting you to do the same.

The basic rule is simple; Produce one (1/1) high-quality print and erase all its original files.

In other words, the photo you see on the wall is the only existing copy. There are no backups, no variants, no leakage, and, most importantly, no reproduction.

It’s a unique method in the world of photography. And my personal reminder of the higher value of any creative moment.

To let things go is a special feeling for a photographer. We are used to several copies, different sizes, and above all, that feeling, that possibility, that you can go back and change whatever you think need changing. But by fully committing to a ‘print and destroy production’ I eliminate all of that. It makes me sharper. It makes me better.
— M.